Plush and Blankets Gift Baskets

Our collection of plush and blankets gift baskets offers premium quality baby items that are super soft. Sure to be loved by baby, browse now!

Select your basket and feel free to customize it to your recipient. All our gift baskets come with a lovely bow on top, an optional note card if you’d like to personalize your gift further and are available for delivery in Boston.

Plush and Blankets Gift Baskets Delivered to Boston

Our Plush and Blankets Gift Ideas for Mom & Dad

For a baby girl offer her something soft that won’t irritate her skin. The Lil Baby Girl Arrival Set includes a super soft teddy bear and a complete daycare bag. Make your plush and blankets gift basket more festive and customize with items parents can enjoy like baked goods and flowers. All our gift baskets come with a lovely bow on top, an optional note card if you’d like to personalize your gift further and are available for delivery in Boston.

If there’s a baby boy in need of soft plush and blanket items, Boston Baskets has you covered. The Baby Boy Diaper Bag Gift Set comes with a daycare bag and a super cuddly plush bear. Don’t omit the parents and be sure to make upgrades to your plush and blankets gift basket like gourmet food and beer. All our gift baskets come with a lovely bow on top, an optional note card if you’d like to personalize your gift further and are available for delivery in Boston.

Our Plush and Blankets Gift Ideas for Friends

Is there a baby whose gender you don’t know? No worries! The Baby’s Adventure and Playtime Gift Set is not only soft but also gender-neutral! This plush and blankets gift basket includes a soft baby blanket, a fox plush and more. Get something for the parents by upgrading your basket with items like wine and gourmet food. All our gift baskets come with a lovely bow on top, an optional note card if you’d like to personalize your gift further and are available for delivery in Boston.

Our Plush and Blankets Gift Ideas for Bosses & Co-Workers

Get new parents a plush and blankets gift basket to help prepare them for the tough new-baby times ahead! The Changing Pad and Other Essentials Unisex Baby Gift Set will help them stock up their nursery. This gift basket can be customized with more items like balloons, baked goods, beer and more. All our gift baskets come with a lovely bow on top, an optional note card if you’d like to personalize your gift further and are available for delivery in Boston.

For parents who are more experienced, keep their baby happy! The Eat, Sleep and Play Baby Basket comes with a soft lamb plush, clothes and more. Be sure to make parents happy as week with upgrades like beer, champagne and baked goods. All our gift baskets come with a lovely bow on top, an optional note card if you’d like to personalize your gift further and are available for delivery in Boston.